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The Impact of Outdoor Exploration on Children's Understanding of Ecosystems and Conservation Introduction

*Heri Tarmizi
Ayleen do birdwatching 

In an era dominated by screens and indoor activities, fostering a love for nature in children is increasingly important. Ayleen, a curious and adventurous 5-year-old, exemplifies the transformative power of outdoor exploration on a child's understanding of ecosystems and conservation. Through hiking, nature observation, and hands-on experiences, Ayleen has developed a deep appreciation for the natural world around her.

The Journey of Discovery: 

Accompanied by her attentive parent, Ayleen embarks on hiking adventures, eagerly tracing plants, ants, and animals along the trails. Her insatiable curiosity leads to countless questions, igniting a passion for learning about the intricacies of nature. As we hike, Me and Ayleen's takes note of her interest in observing birds, seizing the opportunity to teach her about different species and their habitats.

Hiking group 

From Observations to Artistry: 

Ayleen's keen observation skills extend beyond mere identification; she is now adept at sketching and coloring the birds she encounters. Her ability to recall sounds and colors reflects a deeper understanding of avian diversity. Through her artwork, Ayleen not only captures the beauty of nature but also cultivates a sense of stewardship towards the creatures she depicts.

Sketch birds and habitat by Ayleen

The Classroom Extension: 

Ayleen's exploration of nature is not confined to the trails. At Brudenell School in England, she participates in outdoor lessons that encourage hands-on learning and observation. 

These experiences serve as a complement to her outdoor adventures, reinforcing her understanding of ecosystems and the interconnectivity of all living things.

Outdoors activity 

Parental Support and Guidance: 

Central to Ayleen's development as a young naturalist is the unwavering support of her parents. We recognize the importance of introducing Ayleen to nature at an early age and actively engage in her outdoor pursuits.

By nurturing Ayleen's curiosity and providing opportunities for exploration, men and his mom instill values of environmental stewardship and conservation.

Ayleen's journey of discovery underscores the profound impact of outdoor exploration on children's awareness of ecosystems and their inhabitants. 

Through hiking, observation, and artistic expression, she has cultivated a deep connection to the natural world. With continued support from her parents and educators, Ayleen is poised to become a champion for conservation, inspiring others to cherish and protect the planet.


1.Chawla, Louise. "Benefits of Nature Contact for Children." Journal of Planning Literature, vol. 30, no. 4, 2015, pp. 433–452.

2.Kellert, Stephen R., and Edward O. Wilson. The Biophilia Hypothesis. Island Press, 1993.

3.Louv, Richard. Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. Algonquin Books, 2008.

4.Sobel, David. Childhood and Nature: Design Principles for Educators. Stenhouse Publishers, 2008.

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