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The Plaintive Cuckoo (Cacomantis merulinus): Behavior, Ecology, and Cultural Significance in Aceh, Indonesia

*Heri Tarmizi
Plaintive cuckoo Image source Google


The Plaintive Cuckoo (Cacomantis merulinus) is a native bird species found in Aceh, Indonesia. Despite its solitary behavior and elusive nature, the Plaintive Cuckoo is known for its distinctive call, which is often heard in open woodlands, forest edges, and gardens. This study aims to explore the behavior, ecology, and cultural significance of the Plaintive Cuckoo in Aceh, including its unique reproductive strategy of brood parasitism and the local beliefs surrounding its presence.

Chick plaintive Cuckoo image source Google 

Behavior and Ecology:

The Plaintive Cuckoo is a solitary bird species that inhabits a variety of habitats, including open woodlands, forest edges, and gardens. Its cryptic plumage and elusive behavior make it difficult to spot visually, but its unique call, described as "ciit..kwik..kwik..kwiik," allows for its identification in the field. Unlike many other bird species, the Plaintive Cuckoo does not build its own nest. Instead, it lays its eggs in the nests of other bird species, relying on them to incubate the eggs and raise the young chicks. This reproductive strategy, known as brood parasitism, is a fascinating adaptation that allows the Plaintive Cuckoo to offload parental care onto other bird species.

Stepmother Tailor bird feeding chick Plaintive cuckoo
Image source Google

Cultural Significance:

In Aceh, the presence of the Plaintive Cuckoo is often associated with superstitions and local beliefs. Some members of the Acehnese community believe that hearing the call of the Plaintive Cuckoo is a harbinger of bad luck or impending death. This belief stems from traditional folklore and cultural superstitions, rather than scientific evidence. Despite its harmless nature, the Plaintive Cuckoo has become intertwined with local folklore, contributing to its mystique and cultural significance in the region.


While the Plaintive Cuckoo is not considered threatened or endangered, its habitat in Aceh, like many other regions, is facing increasing pressures from habitat loss and degradation. Conservation efforts focused on preserving and restoring natural habitats, such as open woodlands and forest edges, are essential for ensuring the long-term survival of the Plaintive Cuckoo and other bird species in Aceh. Additionally, raising awareness about the ecological importance of birds and dispelling harmful superstitions surrounding species like the Plaintive Cuckoo can contribute to their conservation.


The Plaintive Cuckoo is a fascinating bird species with unique behavioral adaptations and cultural significance in Aceh, Indonesia. Despite its elusive nature, its distinctive call and brood parasitism reproductive strategy make it an intriguing subject for study. By understanding the behavior, ecology, and cultural significance of the Plaintive Cuckoo, we can better appreciate the rich biodiversity of Aceh and work towards its conservation and preservation for future generations.


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