*Heri Tarmizi The Asian Koel ( Eudynamys scolopaceus ) is a fascinating bird known for its distinctive calls and inter…
*Heri Tarmizi Zebra dove chick in the nest on tower photo by Benny mirza Introduction Urbanization has significantly a…
*Heri Tarmizi Image source e-bird Abstract The Eastern Yellow Wagtail ( Motacilla tschutschensis ) is a migratory passe…
*Heri Tarmizi Birds observe at O KM site Introduction The pied imperial pigeon (Ducula bicolor ) is a remarkable bird …
*Heri Tarmizi The surrounding Pulau Weh Natural Tourist Forest Park offers one of the best birdwatching experiences i…
*Heri Tarmizi Bird watching in Sabang Introduction Sabang, a small town located at the northern tip of Indonesia, is …
*Heri Tarmizi Image source Google Introduction Indonesia, renowned for its rich biodiversity, faces significant challen…
*Heri Tarmizi Image source Google Migratory birds undertake remarkable journeys between their breeding sites and wint…
*Heri Tarmizi Slender billed Crow image source Google Aceh, located on the northern tip of Sumatra, Indonesia, is a reg…
*Heri Tarmizi Image source Google Bird migration is one of the most fascinating natural phenomena, involving the season…