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The Role of Animal Tracker in Studying Migratory Birds

Animal Tracker App
*Heri Tarmizi

The Animal Tracker app bridges the gap between the scientific community and the public, enabling users to actively participate in the study of migratory birds.

The Animal Tracker app is a cutting-edge tool that allows bird enthusiasts and researchers to follow the movements of migratory birds in near-real time. By utilizing data collected from GPS tags attached to these birds, the app provides invaluable insights into their migration patterns, behaviors, and the environmental factors influencing their journeys. This essay delves into the functionality of the Animal Tracker app, the types of data it collects, and its significance in studying migratory birds.

Functionality of the Animal Tracker App

The Animal Tracker app bridges the gap between the scientific community and the public, enabling users to actively participate in the study of migratory birds. Key features of the app include:

1. Real-Time Tracking: The app provides real-time updates on the movements of GPS-tagged migratory birds. These tags transmit location data to satellites, which is then relayed to the Move Bank database and made accessible through the app.

2. User Contributions: Users can upload their observations and photos of tagged birds, offering valuable behavioral data that complements the GPS location information. This crowdsourced data is crucial for providing context to the movements of the birds.

3. Educational Platform: The app serves as an educational tool, offering detailed information about various migratory bird species, their migration routes, and behaviors. This feature is particularly beneficial for birdwatchers and researchers.

Types of Data Collected

The Animal Tracker app collects several types of data essential for studying migratory birds:

1. Location Data: GPS tags provide precise location data, allowing researchers to map the migration routes of birds, identify stopover sites, and understand their habitat use.

2. Behavioral Observations: User-submitted observations include behaviors such as feeding, resting, and social interactions. This behavioral data is crucial for understanding the daily lives and needs of migratory birds.

3. Environmental Data: The app can collect data on environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, and weather patterns. This information helps researchers analyze how environmental factors affect bird migration and behavior.

Significance in Studying Migratory Birds

Migratory birds undertake long and perilous journeys, making them challenging to study. The Animal Tracker app offers several advantages in understanding these species:

1. Migration Patterns: By tracking the movements of migratory birds, researchers can identify key migration routes and important stopover sites. This information is vital for conservation efforts, as it helps pinpoint critical habitats that need protection.

2. Behavioral Insights: Understanding the behaviors of migratory birds during their journeys is essential for assessing their health and well-being. Changes in feeding or resting patterns can indicate environmental stressors or habitat degradation.

3. Climate Change Impact: The data collected through the app can help researchers study the impact of climate change on migratory patterns. Alterations in temperature and weather conditions can affect migration routes and timings, influencing the survival of these species.

4. Species Conservation: Many migratory bird species are elusive and travel vast distances, making them difficult to study. The Animal Tracker app provides a unique opportunity to gather comprehensive data on these species, aiding in their conservation by informing policy and management strategies.

Case Studies

1. Arctic Terns: Known for their long migrations from the Arctic to the Antarctic, Arctic Terns benefit greatly from GPS tracking. Data from the Animal Tracker app has revealed key stopover sites and the timing of their migrations, which is crucial for understanding their ecological needs.

2. Bar-tailed Godwits: These birds undertake non-stop flights from Alaska to New Zealand. The app has provided insights into their incredible endurance and the routes they take, highlighting the importance of protecting their stopover habitats.

3. Common Swifts: Tracking data has shown that Common Swifts spend most of their lives in the air, even sleeping while flying. Observations from the app have helped researchers understand their aerial lifestyle and the environmental factors influencing their migration.


The Animal Tracker app is a powerful tool that enhances our understanding of migratory birds. By combining GPS data with real-life observations, the app provides a comprehensive picture of bird movements and behaviors. This data is crucial for conservation efforts, as it helps identify critical habitats and assess the impact of environmental changes on these species. For bird enthusiasts and researchers alike, the Animal Tracker app offers an invaluable resource for studying and protecting migratory birds.


- Movebank. (n.d.). Movebank: An Online Database of Animal Tracking Data. Retrieved from [Movebank]

- Animal Tracker. (n.d.). Animal Tracker App. Retrieved from [Animal Tracker]

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