MaxEnt Model *Heri Tarmizi The MaxEnt model has emerged as a crucial tool for predicting shorebird habitats, offering v…
An AI-Powered Bird Sound Image Source Link *Heri Tarmizi AI has…
Acoustic Monitoring Image By e *Heri Tarmizi These devices can be left in place for days, weeks, or even m…
Compare Shannon, Simpson Index, and margalef richness image by BING *Heri Tarmizi However, comparing it with other…
Image source ZIMGEO *Heri Tarmizi GIS and remote sensing provide the means to map and analyze habitats over large are…
GGE Image source Google *Heri Tarmizi This study aims to map suitable habitats for birds using GEE and the MaxEnt algor…
Audio moth *Heri Tarmizi The primary goal of LEAFA is to monitor migratory, shore, and terrestrial birds along the East…
Cyber Tracker *Heri Tarmizi CyberTracker is a free, open-source software designed to facilitate data collection on wi…