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"Discovering the Delightful World of Chick Oriental Pratincoles: Observing the Next Generation in Aceh, Indonesia"

 *Heri Tarmizi

The Oriental Pratincole Image By Heri tarmizi

The Oriental Pratincole (Glareola maldivarum) is a migratory bird species known for its elegant flight patterns and distinctive appearance. Aceh, Indonesia, serves as a crucial stopover for these birds during their migration, offering vital resources for feeding and resting. However, recent observations suggest that Aceh may also play a role in the breeding behavior of Oriental Pratincoles, challenging traditional understandings of their migratory patterns.

In March 2019, me and my team of researchers made a surprising discovery in Aceh's paddy fields: a flock of Oriental Pratincoles comprising 20 individuals, including a mix of adults, sub-adults, and chicks. This sighting occurred towards the end of the migratory season, raising questions about the birds' behavior. Typically, migratory birds depart from their wintering areas by this time, embarking on their journey back to their breeding grounds. However, the presence of chicks suggested that the Oriental Pratincoles were engaging in breeding activities rather than preparing for migration.

The unusual timing of the observation led the researchers to speculate about the breeding habits of Oriental Pratincoles in Aceh. While it was initially assumed that the birds bred in their wintering areas, the changing climate and environmental conditions may have prompted them to adapt their behavior. Climate change can alter the availability of resources and influence the timing of migration and breeding activities, leading to unexpected phenomena such as out-of-season breeding.

Further investigations revealed intriguing behavior patterns among the Oriental Pratincoles. Adult birds were observed flying off to feed while leaving the chicks behind in the paddy fields. This behavior indicated parental care and suggested that the birds were indeed breeding in the area. Additionally, reports from local farmers indicated that Oriental Pratincoles were a regular presence in the village, further supporting the hypothesis of breeding activities occurring in Aceh.

Previous observations by the researcher provided additional clues about the breeding behavior of Oriental Pratincoles in Aceh. Just three months before the March sighting, I had observed adult birds in the paddy fields behind my home. These birds displayed behaviors consistent with breeding, such as swooping down to the ground during plowing activities. The cumulative evidence from these observations pointed towards the likelihood of Oriental Pratincoles breeding in Aceh.

However, conclusive evidence of breeding in Aceh requires further research and observation. Long-term studies are needed to monitor the presence of breeding pairs, nesting activities, and chick survival rates. Additionally, genetic analysis could provide insights into the population structure and connectivity between Aceh and other breeding areas.

Understanding the breeding behavior of Oriental Pratincoles in Aceh is essential for conservation efforts and habitat management. If Aceh serves as a breeding ground for these birds, it underscores the importance of preserving wetland habitats and agricultural landscapes that provide critical resources for breeding and foraging. By conducting comprehensive research and conservation initiatives, we can ensure the continued survival of Oriental Pratincoles and other migratory bird species in Aceh and beyond.

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