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Empowering Communities Through the SALT Approach:

*Heri Tarmizi
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A Path to Conservation Excellence The SALT approach, rooted in Systematic, Appreciate, Listen to Learn, and Transfer to Learn principles, stands as a beacon for effective community engagement in conservation efforts and citizen science endeavors. 
Excellently tailored to meet the diverse needs of communities, this methodology cultivates trust, fosters collaboration, and ignites a sense of ownership in conservation initiatives. Systematic in its structure, the SALT approach ensures that community engagement processes are meticulously organized, paving the way for seamless communication and problem-solving. 

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Through genuine appreciation of local knowledge and contributions, communities feel valued and empowered to take the lead in conservation endeavors. Listening to learn becomes a cornerstone, facilitating mutual understanding and laying the groundwork for meaningful dialogue. 
As knowledge and resources are transferred, communities are equipped with the tools and skills needed to sustainably manage their natural resources.
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My journey with the SALT approach began under the guidance of a mentor in The Hague, Netherlands, and found fertile ground in Indonesia, where citizen science serves as the vehicle for community empowerment. Supported by WWF NL and IUCN through the SRJS framework, our project has thrived on the principles of collaboration and shared solutions. In Indonesia, the SALT approach has yielded remarkable results. 

By actively involving communities in citizen science initiatives, we've witnessed a blossoming of local engagement and stewardship over biodiversity. Through culturally sensitive engagement strategies, we've fostered trust and built enduring partnerships with communities, rooted in mutual respect and understanding.
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The SALT approach's inclusivity has been instrumental in ensuring that conservation efforts are aligned with local priorities and values. By democratizing decision-making processes, we've empowered communities to shape their own sustainable future. Moreover, through the SRJS framework, we've harnessed the collective power of diverse stakeholders, driving impactful change at scale. As we look ahead, our commitment to scaling up the SALT approach remains unwavering. By empowering communities as active agents of change, we envision a future where conservation excellence is not just a goal but a reality. 
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Through systematic engagement, genuine appreciation, and knowledge transfer, we are paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient future for all. In conclusion, the SALT approach stands as a beacon of excellence in community engagement for conservation. Through its principles, we unlock the full potential of communities, fostering collaboration, trust, and ownership over the stewardship of our planet's precious natural resources.

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