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Spotted The Pacific Golden plover in Kampung Baru Lamnga

*Heri Tarmizi
Pacific golden plover Image by Heri tarmizi

In Kampung Baru Lamnga, Aceh Besar, the Pacific golden plover flock provides a mesmerizing spectacle, especially during their migratory journey. Today's observation of 45 individuals, compared to last week's count of 100, reflects the ebb and flow of their movement patterns. Interestingly, while last week's sighting included a mix of other shorebird species like the greater sand plover and lesser sand plover, today's sighting exclusively featured the Pacific golden plover. This shift in composition adds an intriguing layer to the dynamics of the ecosystem.

One notable behavior observed today was the sunbathing of the flock, taking advantage of the low tidal waves. As the birds soaked up the warmth of the sun, their vibrant breeding plumage was on full display, showcasing the striking contrast of colors characteristic of the Pacific golden plover during the breeding season. However, with the approach of high tide, the birds gradually transitioned from sunbathing to standing and moving closer together, preparing for the rising waters. 
This coordinated movement highlights the birds' adaptability and ability to respond to environmental cues.

Engaging with the local community surrounding the site provided valuable insights into the conservation status of the Pacific golden plover. The community affirmed that hunting and poaching of this species are not prevalent in the area, indicating a positive relationship between humans and wildlife. Furthermore, discussions revealed that the site serves as an important resting spot for the birds during their migration. The community members shared observations of large flocks forming at night, suggesting that the area plays a crucial role in providing resting and roosting opportunities for the

 Pacific golden plover. Conservation Implications: 

The information gathered from the community underscores the significance of protecting and preserving the Kampung Baru Lamnga site as a critical habitat for migratory birds. Ensuring the continued safety and integrity of the area is essential for supporting the Pacific golden plover population and other wildlife species that rely on it. Additionally, the absence of hunting and poaching activities reflects a positive conservation ethic within the community, which should be encouraged and supported through education and awareness initiatives.


 The Pacific golden plover flock in Lampung Baru Lamnga, Aceh Besar, offers a captivating glimpse into the marvels of avian migration. Today's observations, coupled with insights from the local community, highlight the importance of understanding and protecting key habitats for migratory birds. By fostering collaboration between conservation efforts and local communities, we can ensure the continued survival and well-being of the Pacific golden plover and other wildlife species for generations to come.

The group of Pacific Golden Plover image By Heri Tarmizi

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