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A Journey Along the River Wharfe: Witnessing Nature's Beauty

*Heri Tarmizi

AYLEEN watch the water birds 

As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, I found myself standing on the edge of the River Wharfe in West Yorkshire, England. With my daughter Ayleen by my side, we embarked on a journey to witness the wonders of nature that called this river home.

Chick Mallard and mom 

Our eyes were drawn to a pair of mallard ducks gracefully gliding across the water, the male's vibrant plumage contrasting with the serene surroundings. Nestled safely on the back of the female was a tiny chick, a symbol of new life and hope. Ayleen's face lit up with excitement as she witnessed this tender moment of parental care in the animal kingdom.

As we continued our walk along the riverbank, we encountered other water birds going about their daily routines. A nest of crescent grebes caught our attention, the parents diligently incubating their precious eggs. Nearby, a majestic swan sat patiently on its nest, awaiting the arrival of its offspring. It was a scene of pure harmony and resilience, reminding us of the delicate balance of life in the natural world.

However, our tranquil reverie was occasionally disrupted by the raucous calls of gulls, known troublemakers notorious for disturbing the nests of other birds. It served as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by wildlife, even in a place as idyllic as the River Wharfe.

Yet, amidst these challenges, there was hope. England's stringent regulations on bird protection have ensured that poaching is kept at bay, allowing populations to thrive. Controlled hunting during specific times of the year helps manage populations responsibly, ensuring the delicate ecological balance is maintained.

As Ayleen and I watched the mallard family swim gracefully along the river, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this slice of wilderness nestled within our bustling world. It was a reminder that nature's beauty is all around us, waiting to be appreciated and protected.

Our journey along the River Wharte taught us many lessons – the importance of conservation, the resilience of nature, and the joy that comes from connecting with the world around us. As we bid farewell to the tranquil waters and the creatures that call it home, we carried with us a newfound appreciation for the wonders of the natural world

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