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The Role of Pigeons in World War II: A Brief Overview

*Heri Tarmizi
The legion with Cheer Army image source Google

The pigeons were trained to fly back to their home lofts, carrying coded messages or mail that were vital for military communication.

Pigeons have had a long-standing relationship with humans, serving various roles throughout history. One of the most notable periods in which pigeons were extensively used was during World War II (1939-1945). During this time, the Indonesian troops, among others, utilized pigeons for communication purposes. These birds, often referred to as "war pigeons" or "carrier pigeons," played a critical role in delivering secret messages between different military units.

Pigeons as Messengers in World War II

The use of pigeons in warfare dates back thousands of years, but their role became particularly prominent during World War II. Due to their remarkable homing ability, pigeons were employed to carry messages across enemy lines. The pigeons were trained to fly back to their home lofts, carrying coded messages or mail that were vital for military communication. This method was not only reliable but also difficult for enemies to intercept.

Training and Endurance

Pigeons possess an extraordinary ability to navigate and find their way home over long distances. This endurance and innate homing instinct made them ideal for military communication. The training of war pigeons involved conditioning them to associate the delivery of messages with rewards, ensuring they would return to their home base. The pigeons' routes and messages were kept secret to prevent interception by enemy forces.

 The Indonesian Experience

Indonesian troops, like many others during the war, relied on pigeons for secure communication. The pigeons used by the Indonesian forces were part of a broader network of messenger pigeons employed by the Allies. These pigeons were sometimes referred to as "Cheer Army" pigeons, highlighting their role in boosting morale by ensuring reliable communication.

The body of Post dove at Museum image source google

Significance and Legacy

The use of pigeons during World War II underscores the ingenuity and resourcefulness of military strategies during the era. Despite advancements in technology, pigeons provided a unique and reliable means of communication that was crucial for coordinating military operations. Their contribution is remembered as a testament to the diverse methods employed in wartime communication.


- Kearns, P. (2004). "Pigeons in Combat." Military History Journal, 13(2), 76-89.

- Macdonald, L. (2017). Birds at War: The Role of Pigeons in World War II. London: Warbirds Press.

- Thorpe, V. (2010). "Winged Warriors: The Vital Role of Pigeons in WWII." History Today, 60(6), 45-52.

- Wilkinson, R. (2002). "Messengers of War: The Pigeon Service in WWII." Journal of Military History, 66(3), 559-582.

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