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Empowering Local Communities through Bird-Based Ecotourism for Conservation in Beutong Landscape, Aceh

*Heri Tarmizi
Training for the community about ecotourism at beutong 

Beutong Landscape, nestled within the districts of Beutoh Bawah and Beutong Ateuh in Nagan Raya, Aceh, boasts a mesmerizing mountainous terrain adorned with rare forests and breathtaking views. This landscape, particularly known as Gunong Singgah Mata, is a haven for Sumatran endemic birds, including the Sumatra woodpecker, roll hill partridge, red-billed partridge, Aceh bulbul, and many others. Despite its ecological significance and potential for nature-based tourism, Beutong faces challenges such as poaching and illegal mining, threatening its biodiversity and habitat integrity.

Harnessing Community-Led Conservation Efforts:

In response to these challenges, the community has demonstrated its commitment to conservation through village regulations aimed at curbing illegal activities like mining and poaching. However, safeguarding the landscape requires more concerted efforts. The Key to Save Landscapes and Habitats (KSLH) in Aceh, in collaboration with stakeholders such as the government, tourism department, military, and police, has identified the potential of bird-based ecotourism as a sustainable solution.

Promoting Birdwatching Tourism:

Birdwatching, or birding, is a popular activity worldwide, attracting enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds. Beutong's rich avifauna, coupled with its picturesque landscape, positions it as a prime destination for birding tourism. "Lets Birding," a local initiative, aims to capitalize on this potential while simultaneously contributing to conservation efforts. With support from the Oriental Birds Club (OBC), KSLH-Aceh is spearheading a project to train local communities in ecotourism and birding activities.

Team trainer KSLH and Lets birding

Empowering Community Engagement:

Central to this project is the involvement of local communities as guides and citizen patrols. By engaging community members directly in conservation efforts, the project not only fosters a sense of ownership but also enhances surveillance against illegal activities. Through training programs and workshops, residents are equipped with knowledge about bird identification, habitat conservation, and ecotourism management. Additionally, community-led patrols help monitor and report any suspicious activities, bolstering enforcement efforts.

Diversifying Ecotourism Offerings:

Beyond birding, Beutong Landscape offers a myriad of opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. The expansive river system lends itself to thrilling rafting and kayaking experiences, attracting adventure seekers from far and wide. Furthermore, the rugged terrain presents ideal conditions for jungle trails and hiking adventures, providing visitors with immersive encounters with nature. By diversifying ecotourism offerings, Beutong aims to appeal to a broader audience while simultaneously reducing pressure on sensitive bird habitats.

Sustainable Development and Conservation:

The synergy between ecotourism and conservation is evident in Beutong's endeavor. By promoting sustainable tourism practices, such as low-impact infrastructure development and community-based management, the project strives to minimize adverse environmental impacts. Moreover, revenue generated from tourism activities can be reinvested into conservation initiatives, ensuring the long-term protection of Beutong's biodiversity and habitats.

Building Partnerships for Success:

The success of Beutong's conservation and ecotourism endeavors hinges upon collaborative partnerships. Government agencies play a crucial role in providing regulatory frameworks and institutional support. Similarly, the tourism department facilitates promotional activities and capacity-building initiatives. Furthermore, collaboration with law enforcement agencies strengthens enforcement mechanisms, deterring illegal activities within the landscape.

Training situation

Fostering Economic Opportunities:

Beyond conservation, ecotourism presents economic opportunities for local communities. By actively participating in ecotourism ventures, residents can supplement their livelihoods while preserving their natural heritage. Through homestay programs, handicraft sales, and guided tours, communities can harness the economic benefits of tourism while showcasing their rich cultural heritage to visitors.


Beutong Landscape stands as a testament to the symbiotic relationship between conservation and ecotourism. By empowering local communities as stewards of their natural environment, Beutong endeavors to protect its precious biodiversity while offering enriching experiences to visitors. Through collaborative efforts and sustainable practices, Beutong aspires to become a model for community-led conservation and responsible ecotourism, ensuring a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature for generations to come.

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