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Raptor Migration Study at Blang Bintang Hill: A Focus on Oriental Honey Buzzards, Chinese Goshawks, and Shikras along Aceh and Thailand Gulf Flyways

*Heri Tarmizi
Bukit radar Raptor watch


Blang Bintang Hill, also known as Bukit Radar, stands as a prominent site for observing raptor migrations, particularly during the spring season. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of spring migratory patterns of raptors, focusing on Oriental Honey Buzzards, Chinese Goshawks, and Shikras along the Aceh and Thailand Gulf flyways. Led by researchers Dhea Ramadhani, Nisa Khairunnisa, Anggi Pratiwi, Zulfikar and Heri Tarmizi, our team conducted observations on May 1st to document the late-time movement of spring migrants from their wintering areas. Additionally, we aimed to gather data on the habitats utilized as resting areas by these raptors.

Raptor watch 


Our research team employed systematic observation techniques, utilizing binoculars and telescopes to observe raptors in flight and while perched. We conducted observations from vantage points along Blang Bintang Hill, strategically positioned to capture the migratory pathways of the targeted species. Data collection focused on recording the number of Oriental Honey Buzzards, Chinese Goshawks, and Shikras observed, as well as noting their behaviors and flight patterns. Additionally, we documented environmental variables such as weather conditions and habitat characteristics.

Raptor watch 


During our observation period, a total of 5 Oriental Honey Buzzards, 2 Chinese Goshawks, and 10 Shikras were counted along the Aceh and Thailand Gulf flyways. These numbers provide insights into the relative abundance and distribution of these species during their spring migration. Furthermore, observations revealed certain patterns in their flight behavior, such as soaring and gliding techniques utilized during long-distance flights. The data collected also shed light on the preferred resting habitats of these raptors, including forested areas with suitable perching sites and access to prey.

Discuss methods and results the day


The findings of our study hold significance for the conservation and management of raptor species along migratory routes. By identifying key stopover sites and resting habitats, conservation efforts can be targeted to ensure the protection of these crucial areas. Moreover, understanding the timing and patterns of migration allows for better coordination of conservation initiatives across international borders, particularly along transboundary flyways such as the Aceh and Thailand Gulf routes. Additionally, our research highlights the importance of continued monitoring and research to track changes in migratory behavior and address emerging threats to raptor populations.


In conclusion, our study at Blang Bintang Hill provides valuable insights into the spring migratory movements of Oriental Honey Buzzards, Chinese Goshawks, and Shikras along the Aceh and Thailand Gulf flyways. The data collected contributes to ongoing efforts to conserve raptor species and their habitats, with implications for both regional and international conservation strategies. Moving forward, further research and collaboration will be essential to ensure the long-term survival of these magnificent birds of prey.

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