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The Unique Relationship between Oriental Honey Buzzards and Bee-Related Incidents in Aceh, Indonesia

*Heri Tarmizi
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The Oriental Honey Buzzard (OHB) stands out among birds for its distinctive behavior of feeding on bee and wasp larvae. This raptor, found in Indonesia with two resident and migratory species, particularly thrives in Aceh due to its crested feather anatomy. Despite its ecological significance in insect control, the OHB often triggers conflicts with humans as it disturbs bee and wasp nests, leading to retaliatory attacks from panicked insects. As Aceh serves as a wintering site for migratory OHBs during autumn, incidents of human-wasp-bee conflicts escalate, prompting local communities to devise innovative solutions like hanging compact discs as reflector deterrents in bee farms to protect the birds.


The Oriental Honey Buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus) is renowned for its unique dietary preference for bee and wasp larvae, making it a notable contributor to insect control ecosystems. In Aceh, Indonesia, where OHBs reside and migrate, their presence often intersects with human-wasp-bee conflicts, posing challenges for both wildlife conservation and local livelihoods. This paper delves into the intricate dynamics of this relationship, exploring the ecological role of OHBs, the socio-cultural significance of bee-related incidents, and community-driven solutions aimed at mitigating conflicts while safeguarding both birds and bees.

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1. Ecology of Oriental Honey Buzzards:

   - Overview of OHB behavior, habitat preferences, and migration patterns in Aceh.

   - Importance of OHBs in regulating insect populations, particularly bees and wasps, in ecosystems.

2. Human-Wasp-Bee Conflicts:

   - Description of incidents where OHBs trigger retaliatory attacks from panicked bees and wasps after disturbing nests.

   - Cultural perceptions and local folklore surrounding OHBs and their interactions with bees.

3. Socio-Economic Impacts:

   - Impact of bee-related incidents on human activities, such as farming and outdoor recreation.

   - Community responses and traditional methods used to mitigate conflicts, including the use of reflector deterrents.

4. Conservation Strategies:

   - Examination of the effectiveness of reflector deterrents, such as hanging compact discs, in bee farms.

   - Importance of raising awareness about the ecological role of OHBs in insect control and the interconnectedness of birds and insects.


The coexistence of Oriental Honey Buzzards, humans, and bees in Aceh exemplifies the intricate balance between wildlife conservation and human livelihoods. By understanding the ecological significance of OHBs and implementing community-driven solutions, such as reflector deterrents, we can mitigate conflicts and promote harmonious interactions between humans, birds, and insects.


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