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Showing posts from June, 2024Show All
The Impact of H5N1 on Migratory Birds, Native Birds, and Humans in Indonesia
Identification and Distribution of Blue-wattled Bulbul (Microtarsus nieuwenhuisii) in Aceh
Ayleen's Inspiring Journey to the Natural History Museum
Bird Song Conservation: Protecting Species, Strategy Conservation, and Law Enforcement
The Red-Footed Booby (Sula Sula): Distribution, Behavior, and Conservation Challenges in Aceh
The Blue-Crowned Hanging Parrot in Aceh Besar: Habitat Challenges, Ecological Functions, and Conservation
The Role of Tiger Shrikes in Aceh: Nature's Pest Controllers
The Reliability of Birds as Messengers: Ancient Wisdom and Modern Misunderstandings
 Asian Paradise Flycatcher: A Jewel of Aceh Sumatra
The Timeless Bond between Birds and Humans
The Role of Pigeons in World War II: A Brief Overview
Conserving the Lesser Adjutant Stork: A Vital Effort for Biodiversity and Agriculture in Aceh, Sumatra
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